20 Facts About Me

So I came across this blogging challenge that seemed interesting to me. I won’t do all of the challenges but I will do the ones that seem fun. One that caught my attention was the ’20 Facts About You’ Challenge. So here we go!

  1. I’m obsessed with eating Welch’s Mixed Fruit, Fruit Snacks. I eat at least 10 packs a day. It’s the 0.5 oz packs so don’t worry I’m not gaining any weight.
  2. I have a hard time drinking water. I can only drink one 16oz bottle a day. I’m working on drinking more but it is a struggle for me.
  3. I can only work on my novel on the train to and from work. Working on it at home is nearly impossible. I get the bulk of my inspiration while on the train so it’s all good.
  4. When I get home I have to watch reruns of either Married with Children, Martin, or The Jamie Foxx Show before I can watch any of the other shows that I have recorded.
  5. I don’t take any selfies because I haven’t mastered the art of it.
  6. Listening to Adele makes me question my life choices.
  7. I love to write poems.
  8. I’m an introvert so this blog and everything that I have posted is a big step for me.
  9. I’m an only child so I’m very spoiled.
  10. I have a cat named King King.
  11. I can’t wait for Game of Thrones to start.
  12. Ignorance is a huge turn off for me.
  13. Since joining Twitter I have become obsessed with any Hashtag game that I come across.
  14. I received my MBA last June. I didn’t think I was going to make it but I made it through.
  15. I rarely drink and when I do it’s wine coolers. I’m a lightweight. 🙂
  16. The only drug I take is ZzzQuil. It helps to calm me.
  17. I have to fall asleep with the TV on and a timer set at 60 minutes. Hence the reason for me needing number 16.
  18. Pocahontas is my favorite Disney character.
  19. My favorite color is purple.
  20. My son is the best part of me.

Well there you have it. 20 facts about me


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